Learning objectives and competencies:

 will be able to create own code 
 are able to create acquire and annotate own data 
  can document their code 
 will strengthen their team skills 
 can develop tracking algorithms 
 will learn about the latest AI methods 
 can present complex topics 
 can extract relevant information from journal papers

Study/examination achievements:Tracking Olympiad (examination number: 76121)

Examination, seminar performance, duration (in minutes): 20, graded, 5 ECTS Share of the calculation of the module grade: 100.0 %
Further explanations:
Talk (presenting paper/video) 20 min, written report 10-15 pages, valued 50% talk and 50% written report for grading
Examination language: English

Application-oriented university teaching on artificial intelligence. Impulses from the fellowship program on integrating KI-Campus learning resources

This publication (in German) collects the experiences of the KI-Campus peers incorporating digital, open-licensed, and freely available learning resources on AI in university teaching.